
| Reinc to catfolk monktarma with inner circle

Level: 96  Exp: 382.6M  Reinc: catfolk monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+innercircle(10)+ navigator(3)+treenav(3)+slf+(5)  

Reinc to catfolk monktarma. Took also innercircle levels with reinc ticket. (more)

| Killed by Shirley Temple

Level: 92  Exp: 382.0M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Got killed by Shirley Temple (monster). Over 380M exp totals. (more)

| 370M exp totals, new solo kill

Level: 92  Exp: 373.0M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Exp making continues: I reached 370M totals, was in top25 on expplaque on week 29, and made a new solo kill. (more)

| Avalanche Slam Training Peaked

Level: 92  Exp: 364.8M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Avalanche slam training peaked! You have finished cultivating Jaguar Fighting and unlocked it for use. (more)

| Exploring drow tower

Level: 92  Exp: 356.0M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Exploring drow tower area and getting immolated a couple of times. (more)

| 350M exp totals, year two summary

Level: 92  Exp: 350.0M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

Reached 350M exp totals with my primary char. Two years active play. (more)

| 1M exp session, True Master of Falling Boulder Strike

Level: 92  Exp: 345.4M  Reinc: human monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(4)+treenav(3)+ saato+(5)+slf+(5)  

You are now a True Master of falling boulder strike. (more)