
| Summer Time in Bat

Level: 69  Exp: 139.4M  Reinc: channeller(30)+riftwalker(15)+navigator(3)+ society(5)+mage(1)  

Summer again in Bat, collecting herbs, mixing salves. Flow of magic 103%. (more)

| Two Weeks as Channeller

Level: 69  Exp: 137.2M  Reinc: channeller(30)+riftwalker(15)+navigator(3)+society(5)+mage(1)  

Two weeks as channeller. (more)

| New level

Level: 69  Exp: 135.7M  Reinc: channeller(30)+riftwalker(15)+navigator(3)+society(5)+mage(1)  

At level 69, one mage level. (more)

| Collecting Rift Entity Reputation, Second Infizinity Orb

Level: 68  Exp: 134.0M  Reinc: channeller(30)+riftwalker(15)+navigator(3)+society(5)  

Grinding entity reputation, found another infizinity orb. (more)

| Reinc to riftchanneller

Level: 68  Exp: 130.9M  Reinc: channeller(30)+riftwalker(15)+navigator(3)+society(5)  

As planned, I reinced to riftwalker + channeller combo. (more)

| Tohelo: Reincarnation to Riftwalker

Level: 37  Exp: 5.0M  Reinc: riftwalker(15)+channellers(7)  

The secondary character Tohelo reincarnated as Elf Riftwalker. (more)