| Some Partying as Blaster

Posted October 28, 2022 ( channeller )

Level: 68

Exp: 132.9M

Reinc: channeller(30)+riftwalker(15)+navigator(3)+society(5)

After finishing up the reinc and getting blue aura, I was able to get some parties to test the capabilities of the reinc. Jorone (secondary of Anatea) kindly invited me to his party when he was doing some level quests for himself.

At one point, I even was able to save his day:

Pirutar {party}: onko sul kaks ropea
Jorone [party]: eio
get rope from frame
You take a rope from a silk equipment frame [25% full].
Hp:684/684 Sp:1070/1814 Ep:259/259 Money:26707+46830 45 kgs Exp:343280 |14:39|
get rope from frame
You take a rope from a silk equipment frame [25% full].
Hp:684/684 Sp:1070/1814 Ep:259/259 Money:26707+46830 45 kgs Exp:343280 |14:39|
wonder rope
You wonder about your own rope.
Hp:684/684 Sp:1070/1814 Ep:259/259 Money:26707+46830 45 kgs Exp:343280 |14:39|
Jorone scribbles something to his notebook.
Jorone [party]: anateal on!
ps tarvitaanko?
Thelo [party]: tarvitaanko?
Hp:684/684 Sp:1070/1814 Ep:259/259 Money:26707+46830 45 kgs Exp:343280 |14:39|
Pirutar {party}: onko sul kaks
drop rope
You drop a rope.
Hp:684/684 Sp:1070/1814 Ep:259/259 Money:26707+46830 45 kgs Exp:343280 |14:39|
drop rope
You drop a rope.
Jorone takes a rope.
Jorone takes a rope.
Ruttuturpa goes 'Heh'.
Pirutar {party}: hienoa
Jorone is absolutely stunned and amazed and can only say 'Wow...' at you.

Otherwise the party was nice, but I had unfortunate jumping accident at the end of the area:

Jorone [party]: jump
Sheltered wall.
The wall here is sheltered from the wind by the high gatehouse
tower north of here. The gatehouse has fallen into ruins, and
is unsafe to try and enter. Aside from the rubble littering
the wall, you seem to be in a good position.
Above you is a warm, still, clear sky.
Obvious exits are: e, s and w.
A huge rusty broadsword
a pile of silver coins
A blue-glowing soul companion [Andthi]
Andthi Analix the Valar "Acherontia Atropos" < The Journey Ahead >
A divine badger spirit [Rider:Andthi]
Tatqim, a gargantuan magic entity blazing with POWER [Pirutar]
Pirutar Psionicist the Duck < The Journey Ahead >
Hp:533/627 Sp:467/1740 Ep:258/259 Money:26707+46830 45 kgs Exp:599736 |15:00|
Throwing caution to the wind you bravely jump into
midair with no means of protection.  You start to
fall, faster and faster to the rocks below until
BAM, as you land you hear bones break.
Icy patch (d).
That really HURT!
Your skin ruptures and wound starts to BLEED!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You are no longer stunned.
You feel that Thelo goes unconscious.
You fall unconscious from the pain.

You die.
Andthi dies.
Ghost of Andthi [party]: HURT!
Ghost of Andthi [report]: Broke Stun
You feel your wound healing and closing!
Theresa tells you 'My resurrection skills are available to thee.'
Jorone [party]: :D
Ghost of Andthi [party]: :D
Jorone [party]: ette ottanu niit glidereit
Ruttuturpa (party): :D
Ghost of Andthi [party]: haha :D
Ghost of Andthi [party]: meni ohi

I lost 220k exp in that, but hopefully will remember the glider in the future.

Channeller golem tests

Channellers have golems as their helpers for various non-battle activities. To boost the features of the golems, you are required to pass a series of tests for them.

So far I have managed get Eat test for my ~1700kg steel golem and Report and Gather tests for my 800kg iron golem. The Report test had a couple of bugs first, but Shinarae fixed them.

In addition, I noticed that golem storage spell, which I got from Syggax camp, was bugging:

Golem storage: #
You are done with the chant.
You trace a portal in the air and chant 'pone tergum in arca archa egestas'
*Bad arg 1 to sizeof(): got 'object', expected 'array/mapping/null'.

Shinarae kindly fixed that one also. Otherwise, my golems would have been stuck in their virtual pocket forever.

Mixing salves

As channellers get als Mix salve skill, I have been making +int and +protect (item/armour/weapon) salves and storing them to salve packs from my monk reinc.

Random tell of the week

Looks like people are finally noticing me and connecting the dots:

Xyz tells you 'ei hitto sa: oot gurb, monesti lukenu noit logei netista: ja nauranu jutuille ja miettiny mita: tolle hahmolle ka:vi :)'

English translation is left as a homework.

image from Some Partying as Blaster