| Epic Blueprint and Orb of Infizinity

Posted May 21, 2023 ( channeller riftwalker )

Level: 85

Exp: 217.8M

Reinc: riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+ innercircle(10)+navigator(4)+treenav(1)

I got a stroke of luck and I managed to get EPIC blueprint and Orb of Infizinity in the same boot.

I sold the orb for 1M gold and exchanged the EPIC blueprint to a small crystal prism on a mithril chain (+int). Of course, after receiving the prism, I forgot to check that I had given the blueprint to the seller of the prism:

give Rixx-Tec blueprint of EPIC item <<Recycle IV>> to x
The item called 'Rixx-Tec blueprint of EPIC item <<Recycle IV>>' seems to be in your keep list.
Fire entity leaves south.
<---------^--------->  Loc:    E'siris (On Void blvd)
| ##.####...###.### |  Exits:  nw, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w
|  |.#  |..g# #.#   |
| ##.|  #s..#-#.#   |  You are standing on a street in E'siris. The road here
| #..####ccccc..#-# |  is slightly beat up and dirt is showing where cobbles
| .......c%c.c..... |  once laid. It seems that the flow of traffic is opposite
< #.#-###%@%######- >  the direction you are trying to travel. Shrubberies and
| #.#   #%..#   #   |  flowers have been planted in neat rows to give this area
| #.#   #g..#   #   |  a more tranquil appearance. Above you is a moving,
| #.###-#...##-#### |  cloudy sky. There is a brisk wind.
| ........*........ |
| #######...####### |
A large fire entity blazing with power [yours]
Hp:585/585 Sp:1912/1912 Ep:290/290 Money:29860+291920 42 kgs Exp:354000 |21:53|
x tells you 'hmm mihis se bp jäi :D'

But luckily my mishap was solved quickly, when I realized that I had put the blueprint to keep.

Chaos Cauldron run

In same day, I was invited to Chaos Cauldron party lead by Xmaia. This netted me about 1M exp in two hours. As there were no other magical blasters in party, I was the highest damage dealer in the party:

party stats
                  |  Damage done | Healing done | Damage taken
1. Thelo          |       38.38% |       13.81% |        4.58%
2. I....          |       25.73% |       64.00% |       33.97%
3. Xmaia          |       16.45% |        6.33% |       31.68%
4. D....          |       14.25% |       11.87% |       28.88%
5. L....          |        5.19% |        3.99% |        0.89%