| Catfolk leader

Posted August 24, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 57

Exp: 77.5M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(11)+navigator(1)

I noticed that the current catfolk leader, Nyriori, had been offline for 2 weeks. This came me a chance to steal the leadership to me. Although, the situation was only temporary. After two hours Varjoman came and took the leadership to himself.


I have been collecting int set for my possible upcoming caster (channeller) reinc. I noticed that you can get tuneable +4 stat belt (a small belt made of glass beads) from fulgurite shop, I went ahead and spent 3 of my beads to get it. That leaves me 2 beads.

When discussing with Drakh about the fulgurite items, he hinted me that the bracelets are also nice to have. You can get them with 1 bead and later boost with extra beads.

Syggax tasks

After having some more challenging Syggax tasks (like kill couple of 20k..40k monsters from Inn of Four Winds), I got easy “bribe a duergar” task. Currently, I have 700 Favor for Syggax and 0 to other factions. Once I reach 1000 Favor, I can store them for next reinc (for channeller golem stuff if nothing else).

I complained to Shinarae about Moongate Syggax tasks and how they are reachable only on certain times and he went and replaced them with other tasks (thanks!).


My current explore percentage is 49%:

Explore count: 8898/18071 (E%: 49)

This easily guarantees me 3 nav levels. The latest rooms I got from random places like Shadowkeep prison, Soy, and Wrebie golem area.