| Catfolk Monk Middle Aged

Posted August 15, 2022 ( monk )

Level: 57

Exp: 67.5M

Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(11)+navigator(1)

I have been doing some bigger monsters, along with Feldspar, Efiilas, and Syggax quests, and therefore also dying a little more than usual.

This had lead to my character age turning to middle aged:

You are refreshed, satiated, middle aged and brave.

On the other hand, I have been able to keep steady rate with experience gaining, about one million per day, depending on a little how much time I have had to play.

Here some of my quests:


Find the Source of Fear in the Dark Forest
Few things can end a fight faster than raw terror. If standard, nonmagical
threats work, fine, but we're not above using the supernatural as a weapon.
Our mystics claim there's a strong source of fear in the Dark Forest, oddly
enough, in full view in the middle of a public street.
This item is in good condition.
It looks very light weight.


Kill the Gypsies in the Frozen Valley
People who live in towns, villages and cities tend to put their loyalty to
their home first. People who wander can't do that, and worse, are more
dependant on coin than those with roots and assets. A small group of gypsies
have temporarily lodged in the Frozen Valley, but with stealth, magic, and a
lack of ethics on their side, could join the Feldspar any day now. Unless they
all died.

Kill five midlevel Hack monsters
There's a cavern on this continent, a big one, seemingly Hacked out of solid
rock over the centuries, that's a potential source of supplies or even a new
base. But, it's also loaded with monsters. We don't need the whole thing
cleared, but the top two levels should let us form a foothold. Clear out some
of the mid-level threats, but watch out. Death might be lurking behind the
next corner.