Thelo's Batmud diary


| Chest Creation Maxed

Level: 72  Exp: 161.0M  Reinc: merchant(25)+alchemist(30)+navigator(2)  

Merchant life continues, chest creation 100%. (more)

| Reinc to Alchemist/Merchant

Level: 72  Exp: 160.9M  Reinc: merchant(25)+alchemist(30)+navigator(2)  

Reincarnation to alchemist+merchant. (more)

| 180M exp totals

Level: 80  Exp: 180.0M  Reinc: ranger(35)+squire(15)+beastmaster(15)  

Exp and money runs. 180M exp totals now. (more)

| Two weeks as Beastmaster

Level: 80  Exp: 178.0M  Reinc: ranger(35)+squire(15)+beastmaster(15)  

Two weeks in nomad reinc so far. (more)

| Torsomaker Evaporates

Level: 80  Exp: 172.0M  Reinc: ranger(35)+squire(15)+beastmaster(15)  

Torso maker evaporates silently. (more)

| Reinc to Ranger Beastmaster

Level: 80  Exp: 170.0M  Reinc: ranger(35)+squire(15)+beastmaster(15)  

Reincarnation to nomad ranger and beastmaster guilds. (more)

| 170M Totals

Level: 78  Exp: 170.1M  Reinc: monk(30)+tarmalen(30)+navigator(3)  

170M exp totals. One reinc flask found from ground. (more)