Thelo's Batmud diary


| Tohelo: Potion Research Sessions

Level: 46  Exp: 18.1M  Reinc: alchemist(30)+navigator(1)  

More potion formula research done, 63 potions found. (more)

| All Esiris quests done

Level: 85  Exp: 223.7M  Reinc: riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+ innercircle(10)+navigator(4)+treenav(1)  

I completed Lucentium Esiris quest successfully. Now all Esiris quests are done. (more)

| Fifth Orb of Infizinity

Level: 85  Exp: 222.7M  Reinc: riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+ innercircle(10)+navigator(4)+treenav(1)  

I came across my fifth orb of infizinity. (more)

| Tohelo: Potion Research Sessions

Level: 46  Exp: 16.8M  Reinc: alchemist(30)+navigator(1)  

Two alchemist research sessions done with Tohelo. (more)

| Llyth Party

Level: 85  Exp: 221.0M  Reinc: riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+ innercircle(10)+navigator(4)+treenav(1)  

Llyth party, got swirling bands of lava and blood crown. (more)

| Epic Blueprint and Orb of Infizinity

Level: 85  Exp: 217.8M  Reinc: riftwalker(15)+channeller(30)+mage(10)+ innercircle(10)+navigator(4)+treenav(1)  

Found EPIC blueprint and Orb of Infizinity in the same boot. (more)

| Tohelo: 16M exp totals, reinc to alchemist

Level: 46  Exp: 16.1M  Reinc: alchemist(30)+navigator(1)  

Reached 16M exp totals with my secondary, Tohelo. Also, reincarnated him into alchemist. (more)